Beneva Flowers

Beneva Flowers

Posted by on February 3, 2011 Information

Valentine’s Day is Monday February 14th

Imagine Valentine’s Day being on a MondayWell this year it is! So what does that mean?

First of all, what a great way to start the week. This could be the very best Monday all year long! Imagine starting your week with Valentine’s wishes or recognition? This is just the beginning…. What will the gift be? Flowers? Chocolates? A teddy bear? Chocolate covered strawberries? Not only can it be all of the above, it can be hand delivered on Valentine’s Day by your local florist. Now who could do better than that?  But you need to consider a few pointers to get the most bang for your buck.  Here we go…

#1 Think about the card message that will be delivered with your flowers or gift. For example, “Happy Valentine’s Day Love, Joe,” or, “Happy Valentine’s Day to my very special Valentine. Will you be mine? Love, Joe.”  Or how about, “Happy Valentine’s Day to my sweetheart. Thinking of you today. Love, Joe.”  By now I think you get the hint…. we can help reach that sweet spot when you call. In many cases, the card message will be remembered longer than the flowers, unless….

#2 Purchase quality flowers. If you are sending flowers or Roses, this is not the time for a “Deal you can’t refuse”. Every florist has a premium stock. Florists with the best reputations in town usually have them for a reason… ask for the best. At Beneva, we offer the finest rose available, our private label, “The Rouge“. When those roses are delivered with the signature black and red label, it will be clear that you ordered roses that will perform better than any rose on the market, as it is the very finest.  After all, there will most likely be other roses in the same room. You need to consider how long you need those roses to last. (I would imagine at least through Friday!). Make your Valentine remember the magnificent roses and that thoughtful message written on the card. After all, what sounds better, wow? or WOW! This Valentine’s Day, don’t just order roses when you can have “ROUGE

#3 Order Early! I can’t emphasize this enough. NOW is the time to order. Valentine’s Day is the #1 busiest day in the floral industry. Who wants flowers delivered at 4pm on Valentine’s Day?  You cannot order early enough.  Don’t procrastinate. Here are the ABC’s of getting it done and why…

It’s as easy as  A-B-C

a) Use our website. What you see is what you get. So many ideas are available for you to see when you are ready (like right now!).

b) Call by phone. We are always available 24/7 to process your order. (We’re waiting!)

c) Like to use your smartphone?  We are mobile! Use your ANDROID phone to order using our FLORALAPP. You can get it at marketplace or you can download it from our website at  (iPhone coming soon)

Whatever you do, don’t fall for “too good to be true” offers at Valentine’s Day (of all days). In many cases, you could get flowers stuffed in a box and shipped. Imagine getting flowers in a box and having to put them together? Yes it really does happen, click here and see if this is what you really want to give your Valentine.

We want to make you look good! It’s simple and we won’t even bill your credit card until the 14th!