Beneva Flowers

Beneva Flowers

Posted by beneva on January 21, 2015 Information

Unusual Tulip Facts

tulips galore

Tulips are a cheerful flower commonly associated with spring, Easter and the country of Holland. When in all actuality they bloom from December- April and are originally from Persia. It is believed that the name originated from the Persian word “dulband” which means “turban” because of its similarity in shape. According to a Wikipedia source, “This may have been due to a translation error in early times, when it was fashionable in the Ottoman Empire to wear tulips on turbans. The translator possibly confused the flower for the turban.”

Here are 5 more facts about tulips that you may not know…

1. During the Western Europe tulips craze, tulip bulbs where so desirable that they were used as a form of

2. Tulips are the second most common flower to send on Valentine’s Day.

3. The Dutch have a period of their Golden Age called tulipomania. This was a time when bulb prices were highly inflated then collapsed suddenly.

4. Red or yellow tulips signify love and the flower’s black center represents a heart burned by passion.

5. Tulips continue to grow after they are cut.