Beneva Flowers

Beneva Flowers

Posted by beneva on January 29, 2017 | Last Updated: February 3, 2017 Information

Random Acts of Kindness Share Happiness

acts of kindness

What does random kindness look like to you? Maybe it a spontaneous, unexpected gesture that brightens someone’s day, or a planned act that catches someone off guard. Perhaps you help someone in need with groceries – or give a bouquet of daisies to the school crossing guard.  At Beneva we believe that you can express kindness in many ways, and on February 17th we are here to do just that. Random Acts of Kindness Day is almost here, and we can;t wait to cover Sarasota in compassion and generosity.

“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you”. – Princess Dianaben1Sometimes we all just need a little pick-me-up, a reminder that someone is thinking of us and that we matter. If you have ever received flowers without a card or had someone bringing you a coffee at work – you know how good being a recipient feels. Watching out for one another, and reaching out in kindness, strengthens our sense of humanity.

kindnessThe gesture may be small, like passing out daisies to everyone you meet today. Or maybe you can cook a meal for a family in need. Whatever you choose to do, the ripple effect of your thoughtfulness can be far-reaching. You never know how people will take your gesture of kindness and turn it into their own.

This year on Random Acts of Kindness Day, step out knowing that your small meaningful gestures can make a big difference in the Sarasota community. We’re here to help! Leave some flowers on your neighbor’s doorstep, or add some balloons to that batch of cookies you bring to the office. At Beneva, spreading joy and happiness is our business. Let us help you make a difference in the world around you, one kind act at a time.