Beneva Flowers

Beneva Flowers

Posted by beneva on March 19, 2014 Information

Good-Bye Winter! Hello Spring!

DaffodilsSpring arrives tomorrow! Winter here in Florida is nothing compared to what our friends up north face, but we can be just as excited to see the days getting longer and the gulf warming up. To honor the changing of seasons here are five fun facts about spring flowers.

Did you know…

1. You can substitute onions with tulip bulbs. They were actually used as a famine food during World War II. But, beware the yellow center in not edible.

2. Prince Charles of the British Royal Family is given one daffodil a year as a form of rent for land on the Isles of Sicily.

3. The stems of sunflowers were once used as filler for life jackets.

4. The iris was named after a Greek goddess who uses the rainbow to travel.

5. Lilacs belong to the same family as the olive.

We hope these fun facts brought a smile to your face and a little spring joy to your heart. We currently have these spring flowers in our store ready for you to enjoy.