‘Where flowers bloom so does hope.’ – Lady Bird Johnson
Hundreds of independent studies have confirmed it! The flower is officially good for your health and well-being. A study conducted by Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, states;
1. Flowers immediately & universally have a positive effect on happiness. All recipients expressed “true” or “excited” smiles and demonstrated extraordinary delight and gratitude.
2. Flowers have a long-lasting positive effect. The positive effects felt by participants lasted anywhere from 5 – 21 days. Participants felt less depressed, anxious, or agitated and demonstrated a higher sense of enjoyment and life satisfaction.
3. Flowers lead to increased social contact. Participants increased their contact with family and friends, and when friends or family were in the presence of the flowers those positive effects were passed on to them.
Another study by Dr. Roger Ulrich concluded that patients recovering in the hospital who were sent flowers had shorter hospital stays, took fewer prescription medicine for pain, and whose medical tests revealed healthier and better results.
Diane Relf of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute determined;
1. People communicate better in the presence of flowers or plants
2. They tend to eat slower when flowers are on the table.
3. Flowers restore mental fatigue and enhance self-esteem.
4. Some potted plants remove pollutants from a room’s atmosphere.
5. Placing plants and flowers in a room significantly increases humidity, which reduces some of the effects of illnesses such as the common cold.
Another study conducted by Rutgers, geared more towards senior citizens & flower effects, shows some great results.
1. Flowers decreased depression in over 81% of seniors studied.
2. Flowers helped to refresh recent memory & provided enriched personal memories in over 72% of participants.
3. Flowers encouraged companionship in over 40%, by re-engaging with members of their communities and enlarging their social contacts to include more neighbors, religious support, and even medical personnel.
Sending flowers not only brightens the day of one person but has an immediate effect on many people. Flowers in a nursing home can bring increased health and happiness to all within the building & can brighten the day of someone who feels alone and forgotten, and this could be a person who is not even receiving the flowers!
Send flowers to your mom, dad, sisters, brothers, neighbors, friends, family, co-workers, or congregation members just to say, “I’m Thinking of YOU!” and it will be a day no one will ever forget!!