Beneva Flowers

Beneva Flowers

Posted by beneva on May 9, 2015 | Last Updated: May 11, 2015 Information

Congratulations to Faith Gross, Sarasota’s Favorite Mom!

SarasotasFavoriteMom2015-FaithGross-1This Mother’s Day weekend is extra special for Faith Gross of Sarasota. She was enjoying spending time with her granddaughter on Saturday when she received a phone call letting her know that she had just been named the winner of the 2015 Sarasota’s Favorite Mom Contest. Faith didn’t even know that her daughter, Jennifer, had entered her in the contest, so it was a wonderful surprise to start the weekend.

Jennifer is one of Faith’s five children, which is remarkable considering the fact that Faith was told at a young age that she would never be able to have any children. But Faith has a pretty good track record of overcoming tremendous odds.

SarasotasFavoriteMom2015-FaithGross-2In 2014, Faith was diagnosed with cancer. Her faith, love, compassion, spirit and strength drove her to fight it head-on. No matter how sick the chemo treatments made her, the disease was no match for her unwavering sense of humor and her beaming smile.SarasotasFavoriteMom2015-FaithGross-5crop

Faith’s children and grandchildren are proud of the way she fought cancer, but more importantly they are proud of the role model she has been and the guidance she has always provided.

Beneva is honored to award the title of Sarasota’s Favorite Mom to such a remarkable woman, and present her with a special bouquet of flowers and a one-of-a-kind pendant from Milan’s Jewelry. Faith also received a gift card from Mattison’s, and will appear in an upcoming issue of SRQ Magazine.

Congratulations, Faith!