Caring for your Easter lily
Did you receive an Easter lily plant this year? Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your beautiful new plant.
If your Easter lily came with a decorative plastic, foil or paper wrapper, remove that as soon as possible in order to prevent the lily from becoming waterlogged.
- When choosing a “home” for your lily makes sure to choose a location away from drafts and drying heat sources.
- Water your plant if the surface feels dry, but be careful not to over-water. Easter lilies require a medium moisture level and should never stand in water for any length of time.
- Potted Easter lilies kept indoors need bright, indirect natural light but, too much exposure to sunlight can cause burning issues.
- Remove the yellow anthers from the center of each flower to prolong the life of the blossoms.
- Easter lilies can be planted outside in a sunny location after the flowers have withered away.
- If you plant your Easter lily outside, cover the roots with mulch to help keep them shaded.
- Once planted outside, the lily should be watered freely during the active growth period and be kept moist during the winter.
Remember: Easter lily plants are highly toxic to cats.