SUNDAY, MARCH 25: It was a wonderful evening for all as Tony Bennett ( @itstonybennett ) clearly hasn’t missed a beat through the years. At one point during the concert, the lights went out and all you could hear was the band. It was an awe-inspiring moment as Tony gracefully segwayed into having everyone clap along as he kept the beat until the lights came back on. Talk about a true professional, he didn’t even flinch!
The Van Wetzel ( @vanwezel ) was sold out and I could hardly believe how many people were trying to get in at the door or even buy tickets. Tony Bennett keeps the music alive, that’s for sure. His daughter, Antonia ( @antoniabennett1 ) , opened up for him and joined him in a few songs. She clearly got the gift from Dad, as her voice was clear and enjoyable to listen to. She will be releasing her first CD in a few months.
As a sponsor, we were given tickets in which we gave away in our text-to-win program. Our winners, Al Marr and Judy Williams, were so excited as they picked up their tickets. It’s always nice to pass along these types of gifts to members of our community. I’m sure that they had just as wonderful of a time as I did, as Tony & Antonia lit up the stage with an immense energy.
After the concert, the Van Wezel invited the sponsors and donors back stage for a meet and greet with Tony Bennett. I asked my father to join me for the meet and greet and the look on his face when he met Tony was priceless! Tony Bennett is a few years older than my father, but being so close in age you can only imagine the years of memories that my father had enjoying his music. To see him meet and shake Tony’s hand was a thrill to watch.
Stay tuned for more contest giveaways by liking us on Facebook or following us on Twitter!
Art Conforti
President, Beneva