Beneva Flowers

Beneva Flowers

Posted by beneva on January 14, 2015 Information

The Biggest Plant “Myth”

TheresaIf you linger in our shop a while you are bound to hear one of our customer service representatives answering the age old question, “How do I care for this plant that was just delivered?” Today, we are asking Theresa, our plant department manager that very question.

“Caring for indoor plants is much easier than most people realize. The one mistake that happens most often is that people care for their plants a little too much. Plants do not have to be watered once a week. This is a myth.”

Instead of being religious about weekly watering, first check the soil. Does it feel really dry? If yes, then add what you believe is a week’s worth of water. If no, wait a day or two before soaking your plant. Make sure to allow the water to seep in, then after a few minutes if there is any residual water left in the saucer dump it out. Most plants do not like to sit in water.

Theresa also pointed out that, “Orchids are much easier to care for in Florida, because of our humidity. In the winter though, they can be watered on occasion using the same guidelines we use for the other live plants we carry.”

Spectacular-Blooming-GardenA Few More Tips for Keeping Happy Plants:

1. Bright indirect light is ideal.
2. Wilting leaves is okay. If you see this occur, you did not kill your plant.
3. When an orchid blooms cut the plant all the way down to the base. This will promote new growth.

Did you know…indoor plants not only purify the air but, they also improve productivity and relieve stress?