Beneva Flowers

Beneva Flowers

Posted by beneva on September 5, 2014 Information

Beneva’s Big Sister Bridal Guide 5 of 8: How to Write Your Wedding Vows

vows“What do you say to someone when you are promising them forever?” my little sister asks during a recent phone conversation. My response was not shocking or exceptional, “Well, no one can tell you how to write your own vows, if that is the way you want to go. Your wedding vows are the whole point behind having a ceremony, so this is obviously not a task to take lightly.” Here’s Beneva’s big sister step by step process to get your vow writing juices going.

Before You Begin…

Being that you are a modern bride, chances are you have googled for examples already. If you haven’t this is definitely the first step. Take time to read through and really consider the tone and style of vows that are out there. Do you like vows that are more free form or is poetic more your style? Then, talk to your fiancé about the style that they like. Having complementary vows will make the overall ceremony more fluid.

Time to Write…

Jot down notes: Take your time and reflect on the significant moments in your relationship, the things that you love most about your soon to be spouse and how they make you feel about yourself.
Come up with promises: This is after all what a vow is all about. Really consider what you will be doing as their spouse. Do you promise to always to support them in their dreams or do you vow not to keep score even if you are winning?
Write it out: When you have your ideas flowing use the tried and true elementary tactic of just writing it out. Then read it out loud to edit the cheese ball phrases and alter the errors. Most vows are no longer than 1-2 minutes. Simplicity is key.

Other Tasks For This Week:

• Determine what readings you will have in your ceremony (and who will read them)
• Finalize your menu
• Final dress fitting
• Dry run of makeup and hair

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