Flowers are much more powerful than we think. When fragrant oils are extracted from flowers, they can have a variety of effects on the mind and body. These fragrant oils can be used in massage, bath salts, or even an air diffuser to absorb the effects.
This flower’s oil is used to help reduce stress and anxiety. It is used to treat muscle spasms and headaches as well. Lavender oil is one the most widely used and safest because it is suitable to all skin types. When inhaled, this scent smells sweet and floral with a hint of a balsamic undertone.
Mixing well with almost all other essential oils, geranium oil is widely used in aromatherapy. This flower’s oil smells bright and has a citrus-like scent. It produces experience a raise or lower in blood pressure when inhaled, depending upon the needs of your body. Geranium oil is also used to treat eczema, acne, lice, and a variety of other skin ailments. It can also be used as an insect repellent in lieu of citronella.
The rose produces an intense but soft, floral scented oil. The oil of the rose is used to calm nervous tension and as an anti-depressant. Used a powerful antiseptic, this oil can treat minor cuts and burns as well as rejuvenate cells. Typically it is used on a variety of skin types in the forms of creams and lotions.
Ideal for sensitive skin, jasmine oil aids in the treatment of insomnia and depression. The oil has a distinct smell that is exotic and fruity. Jasmine sedates the nervous system, which helps with headaches and muscle aches. In many cultures, it is regarded as a seductive scent.